Breathe has an exceptionally fun and cute pair of boots for you at the FaMESHed Event. The boots are a thigh-high wedged platform that has lots of lacing up the front and perfectly placed oversized bows at the top. The boots change in the Main area, the Bottom base, the bow and the laces between 18 solid colors with a bonus of 3 colors for each section in the fatpack. You can also choose between 4 metal colors.
FaMESHed Event: January 2nd – January 27th

Full Credits & Links
Outfit: *CK* Fire and ice dress – Mainstore
Shoes: [BREATHE]-Rin Boots – FaMESHed , Mainstore
Body: Maitreya
Head: Lelutka EvoX Ceylon
Background: FOXCITY. Photo Booth – Foyer – Mainstore
Bags: Included With Pose
Poodle: Foxwood – Little Poodle – Mainstore
Sitting Dog: Foxwood – Sweet Pibble – Mainstore
Pose: JD & . Infiniti . – All My Bags Are Packed