United Colors is colorfully rocking the new round of the FaMESHed Event this month with one truly hot new release. This outfit is in two pieces and the colors are incredible, I fell in love with it right away and I am pretty sure I spent more time pushing buttons than I did taking the pictures to show you how great it is. This outfit can be customized in so many different ways. Both the top and the shorts have laces that secure them in place. The shorts lace up the sides and have a front and back color change separately so you are able to duo tone them or make them both the same color. The top colors between 10 solid colors, 10 various Ombre colors and 10 solid colors for the laces on the side. 5 metal options. You can toggle the sheer off or on so you choose whether you’re a little reserved or more freelance with what you show. The skirt duo tones or you can do all one tone by changing the front panel between 10 colors, the back between 10 colors and the laces also change between the same solid 10 colors with 5 metal choices and again the ability to control the sheer factor by turning it on or off.
FaMESHed Event: February 1st – February 27th

Full Credits & Links
Top: UC Jumiko Top – FaMESHed , Mainstore
Shorts: UC Jumiko Shorts – FaMESHed , Mainstore
Hair: DOUX – JLOW – Mainstore
Eyeshadow: ~Shiny Stuffs~ CATWA Oh Oh, It’s Magic – Mainstore
Lipstick: ~Shiny Stuffs~ CATWA Oh Oh, It’s Magic – Mainstore
Body: Maitreya
Head: Catwa Catya
Background: Photoshop
Drink: Strawberry Love shake
Pose: Custom