Baby Come Back To Me

What an amazing new release this month from AVALE at the Tres Chic Event. This stunning dress comes available in 10 gorgeous colors for you to choose from and of course, there’s the fatpack available which is always the best option and AVALE makes it super affordable for you to do that, there are no 2k lindens for quality with this incredible designer. The two-tone detail on this dress is super fun. Each color has the split separation of the black to the chosen color with an intricate abstract line pattern that is exceptionally catchy to the eye as well as a 3 strap appearance on the top which makes this dress highly unique and one of a kind. Definitely, a must-have ladies ?


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Full Credits & Links

Dress 1: AVALE Charlize (Maitreya) – Panther – Tres Chic , Mainstore
Dress 2: AVALE Charlize (Maitreya) – White Gold – Tres Chic , Mainstore
Hat: Zibska Tizia – Mainstore
Hair: Ade – Psycho Hairstyle (Blondes) – Mainstore
Eyeshadow: L’Etre – Heat eyeshadow [#7] – Mainstore
Lipstick: Glam Affair Cosmetics – Dalia Lipstick – SET 5 – Mainstore
Nailpolish: alaskametro<3 metallic pack nail polish – Classic/Gold – Mainstore
Body: Maitreya
Head: Catwa Catya

Pose 1: LUXE. Carmen2
Pose 2: LUXE. Carmen3