Masoom has a sultry and sexy release for you that has been placed at the Mainstore. If you missed it at Equal10 a while ago it’s now up for grabs again. This is a 4 piece set that has a ton of customization abilities. The outfit comes with 2 glove versions including solid and sheer, arm gems, a thong, and a top, both with solid and pattern versions. The pattern version has a HUD for the top and bottom that includes 12 ombre and design patterns as well as the matching corresponding color to choose from as the metals. Easy to mix and match. The plain top version has 12 stunning and vibrant colors to choose from for both the main texture as well as the metal options. The metal HUD for the arm gems has 12 pattern textures and 12 plain textures that match the same as the clothing HUDS. The collar HUD has all 24 texture options available for the collar itself and the metal choices.

Full Credits & Links
Top: [[ Masoom ]] Lethal Dose Top – Mainstore
Bottoms: [[ Masoom ]] Lethal Dose Thong – Mainstore
Necklace: [[ Masoom ]] Lethal Dose Collar – Mainstore
Earrings: Astralia – Holly Earrings – Mainstore
Gloves: [[ Masoom ]] Lethal Dose Gloves – Mainstore
Hair: bonbon – chiyo hair (plus photoshop) – Mainstore
Eyeshadow: Lempika – 15 Eyeshadow #3 – Mainstore
Lipstick: Sugarose – BRUNA – Mainstore
Nailpolish: e.marie // Mix&Match Coffin Nails – Mainstore
Body: Legacy Perky
Head: Lelutka EvoX Ceylon
Background: FOXCITY. Photo Booth – Cozy Balcony – Mainstore
Drink: :::ChicChica::: Glass Elegant Golden – Mainstore
Bird & Cat: Photoshop
Pose: Custom