Poison Rouge has a gorgeous new release out at the Kinky Event this month. This necklace is unique and pretty awesome. It has a triple-layer strap appearance with a single buckle and to top that off, the name “Poison Rouge” is written right on the front strap, who wouldn’t want to rock this amazing designer’s name all over SL! This necklace comes in 4 colors and each has a scripted and nonscripted version so you can choose what you want to wear it for. There is a built-in resizer script on this piece so you just gotta click and size it to fit any shape. Definitely, a must-have!
Kinky Event: October 28th – November 22

Full Credits & Links
Dress: POISON ROUGE Yohji Dress – Mainstore
Scarf: :LW: Waist Scarf – Mainstore
Necklace: POISON ROUGE Perversion Collar – Kinky , Mainstore
Earrings: e.marie // Reyna Earrings – Mainstore
Hair: DOUX – Paty Hairstyle – Mainstore
Eyeshadow: TONE 2 – Berries & Vines Eyeshadow – Mainstore
Lipstick: theMARS – Confection Gloss Lip – Mainstore
Body: Legacy Perky
Head: Lelutka EvoX Ceylon
Background: Photoshop
Pose: Custom